Tuesday, June 8, 2010

SPOTLIGHT on BIGGBY COFFEE -- We are proud of you!!


JD said...

Another great piece on Mo and Al! You guys embody PERC and giving back to the community--I love it!

Now, Mr. Mayor, I've got my eye on you--I saw those extra pumps! That's not how we do it at BIGGBY!

Unless, of course, the customers wants those extra pumps! ;)

halfbakedmusings said...

So, when is this Mo character gonna run for office? I can see him shaking hands and kissing babies. And hitting up everyone he knows for campaign money :) I usually just sit in my home office in my underwear and tell everyone else how to do things. But I have actually been to this Biggby. And it really is a friendly place. Well managed by a hardworking guy. Unlike your loyal commentator.

Anonymous said...

Mo and Al - you deserve this. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keep up the great work!!

Austin Long said...

congrats to Mo and Al and everyone at the Westland store.