Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wearing BIGGBY underwear -- Summerville, SC
Sometimes I like to say "that our folks are so loyal that they wear BIGGBY underwear" .... 'course in this case a car will do too! Yahooo!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Another 'BIGGBY WAY' Story -- Bigg-Hearted BIGGBY :)
Written by Sandra Click here to go to the origianl post
They didn't have to do it.
I mean, it wasn't that big of a deal.
Well, maybe it was. At the time.
I gripped that steaming hot, tall, black coffee. Sniffed the heady aroma. Barred myself from even a sip. No spilling in the car or down the front of my Sunday outfit. Or scalding myself. Savored the anticipation.
Picked it up on the way home from church. Well, after eating and running a couple errands. Planned to curl up with it and a good book.
Our local Biggby Coffee. I love it there. I love the folks who work there. So cheerful. So helpful. I'm usually on the run. But I could sit in there. Relax. With a book or my 'puter. I'd feel so . . . so . . . writerly.
I think I could even work there. And B-Happy.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever met a Biggby I didn't like. But I digress.
Hurry, Dennis, hurry! Go faster! Must go faster!
Getting out of car. Juggling stuff. My purse. The coffee. Something else. I reached to hit the garage door closer thingie.
And the cup. Went. Splat!
Upside down. Top and bottom separated. Rose Dog's toys now suspended in frozen java.
I wailed.
I posted my sorry state on Twitter and Facebook. I just wanted a little sympathy and compassion for my distress.
And BiggbyBob replied. He wasn't even my friend. Then.
"So sorry. What can we do?"
"Do you deliver?" I responded.
And then I got another message. Bigg-hearted Biggby wants to replace my coffee. Not once. But double for my trouble. And it wasn't even their fault!
They didn't have to do it. Some might say it's a great marketing thing. But I choose to believe they care.
A random act of kindness.
A gift I'll pass it on.
What random act of kindness have you done or experienced lately?
Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Go BIGGBY! -- A young Entrepreneur ...
... working on her first business plan ...a quote from the person who sent it to me
Your future franchisee : ) See her second note from the bottom...before 'then start a restaurant' says Big-B YahoooO!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Biggby Coffee to open in Findlay, OH
Published on 12/06/09 in the Fostoria Focus
Fill ‘er up
Biggby barista Elisabeth Pickard makes a coffee drink during a training session at the store. The café, located at 2560 Tiffin Ave. in Findlay and owned by Fostorian Angie Briggs, will open Tuesday, Dec. 8. -Photo by Alex Boroff
By Alex Boroff
Focus Reporter
FINDLAY — The beans are spilled — Biggby Coffee will soon open in Findlay. The store, owned by Fostorian Angie Briggs, is set to open Dec. 8.
As part of the store’s opening week promotion, Biggby will offer free brewed coffee to customers Dec. 8-13
Briggs said she had explored other coffee franchises to open, but Biggby stood out to her above the other choices.
“I agreed with their business philosophy and the way they put the customers first,” Briggs said.
She said she first discovered the Michigan-based franchise in Toledo, when she met some friends at a Biggby location.
“The staff was friendly, the atmosphere was inviting and the signature drinks were consistently better,” Briggs said in a press release regarding the store. “I expect that coffee lovers in Findlay are going to be pleased.”
Briggs said she also feels Biggby gives good support to its franchise owners, another reason she opted to open a Biggby shop.
The Findlay store will start off with 19 employees, and six additional employees will join the crew after the start of next year.
Briggs said that the most difficult part of working towards the opening of the store was balancing the time needed at the business with time at home. “It’s taken a lot of time marrying family and work,” Briggs said.
The store is located at 2560 Tiffin Ave., in front of the eastside Wal-Mart. Hours are 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Saturday, and 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday. The location includes free wireless Internet and a drive-thru window. For more information on the Biggby store and a list of menu items, visit
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
The 'BIGGBY WAY' By Terry Dean Harder
When I am at a SPOT BOB like the one in Summerville, SC I occasionally come across somebody who touches my heart. This happened to me with Terry, I met him early in the morning around 8am when he came over to me to say 'thank you' for buying his drink.
I asked him what he was drinkin' and then I asked him why he came to BIGGBY COFFEE?...he told me it was 'cuz of customer service' ya'know?' I always wonder what 'customer service means?' I dug in a little and asked him 'what he meant by customer service?'
He explained it all to me....but then he went away (off to work), and came back later to give me two letters explaining it in his own words.
Terry I appreciate what you did...Thank YOU!
What I like about “Biggby” on Old Trolley Road, Summerville, SC.
By Terry Dean Harder
I know they have a good product. In fact – the best in the Charleston low – country. You can tell they work at it. Their location is easily accessible and convenient. But most importantly 0 I know when I come in I’m going to be greeted with a friendly face, a smile and a pleasant greeting. Some of these kids even call me by my first name. And when they have time they always will engage me in conversation, and we talk about the question for the day which they have posted on the chalk board. They are “on the ball” and don’t make me feel that it’s a privilege for me to be in their place – that’s wrong. They make me feel like I’m “one of them” and that they’re happy I chose their place. They don’t put themselves “above” the customer – they put themselves “with” the customer: they’re there to serve you – the customer service!
A great place to come and hang out and enjoy please and people in pleasant atmosphere.
The owners (when time allows) are always willing to visit with me, share about life and get to know a little bit of where I’m coming from also. We’re all in this game of life together – that shows in how you run your business.
And then a definition....
What Does Customer Service Mean To Me
By: Terry Dean Harder
1) Service “meeting the customers wants/needs” : a smile – a pleasant greeting – first name if known – conversational when time allows – show interest in meeting that customer’s desires and making their experience while they’re in your place an uplifting and positive one. Let them know you appreciate them being there.
2) Product: you’ve got to have the product or people won’t come back. But once you have the product – then customer service is of the upmost importance. Because, I will walk across the street in a heartbeat for the same or comparable product because of a bad customer service experience – and pay more money too. All it takes is one “bad” or “negative” customer service experience to keep a person from ever entering your place of business again. And that has ripple effects also – because bad news travels fast. People tell other people.
3) Being “on –the ball”! Procrastination always loses. Be eager to serve the customer – enthusiasm is contagious. If you put your customer’s priorities first – it will pay tremendously in the efficiency and financial dividends for your business. Lackadaisical attitudes and demeanor will push customers away. People come into your business to be “waited on”. We all have busy schedules in this crazy world we live in. People’s time is important and if you don’t recognize that – it shows a lack of respect for who they are and their responsibilities. Don’t be “over accommodating” but use your time “wisely”. A little more effort goes a long way in business.
SPOT BOB @ BIGGBY COFFEE in Summerville, South Carolina
I hung out with a great bunch of people in Summerville... We sat and talked, about the community, about BIGGBY, about the economy, and all manner of things. I love my job, because I get to meet people and make friends everyday :)
Spot BOB in Summerville, SC -- Meet Travis :)
I had a fun time with Travis... He has put a lot of thought into BIGGBY and has a great recommendation, what do you think?
SPOT BOB in Wausau, WI
I had such a great time in Wausau, WI with Tom and the gang...there are quintessential BIGGBY operators.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
A love letter to BIGGBY COFEE...we love you too Kristie <3
Dear BiggBy,
I have to apologize but I don't think we are having good communication. Our relationship first started to dwindle when I was never questioned about your name change. I know we were only introduced to each 6 years ago but I think we have always made a great team. I have moved but not moved on. They always say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I appreciate you more and more as each day goes by here in Chicago. You are missed greatly.
You have set high standard for me and my future relationships. I expect your vibrant attitude and colorful personality in all new relationships. I have yet to find this. I woke up this morning realizing Pumpkin Spice Latte was back. I knew I couldn't have yours but wanted to hope it would be everything that you offer. I even walked in the rain. I got to my destination, took one sip, and realized I will never have the same relationship with anyone else. You are the best and I deserve the best! Every visit back to Michigan you are always my first stop. All my Michigander friends here in the city feel the same. They love and miss you too. Though you can't be here with me right now I look forward to our next reunion!
Love always,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
SPOT BOB in Charlotte, MI and I met Roland...
...I meet so many wonderful BIGGBY customers when I do these SPOT BOB gigs, but every once in a while I meet someone who pulls a special string in my heart...Roland was such a person. Although he was on his way to a CAT-scan later in the day, his spirit was so strong and vibrant that it gave me energy just to be with him. Thank you Roland for being such a BIGGBY loyalist...and makin' my day :)
By the way we served about 300 people in two hours and the espresso machine broke in the middle of it all...kinda took me for a loop when it broke down, but at least I could walk away saying "it was so busy, we broke the machine."
I love my job!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
This Just In...another story about the BIGGBY WAY thanks for sharing Alex!
First off, any Biggby I have visited has been amazing, but the Westland, Livonia and Canton Center locations have particularly impressed me.
Moe, the manager, is one of the nicest people I have ever met. He always remembers me and asks me about the projects I am working on. As a freelance graphic designer it is nice to get out of my house and work in a friendly warm, environment. The entire Westland staff at Biggby is amazing, and although I do not know all their names yet, I needed to give them a 'shout out' as well. My favorite thing about the Westland location is the way Moe treats his employees. I've been to so many coffee shops and restaurants where managers are flat out rude to their employees... These individuals do not seem to understand the how one treats employees in the work place directly effects the atmosphere of the shop. Moe is so relaxed and friendly and I feel like I am walking into a big family. This is by far one of the best coffee experiences I have ever had... You're staff makes this chain, feel like the personal, down-to-earth shop that it is. I am officially a life long fan.
Again, the staff was amazing. Each member is always interested in what I am doing and they are very sincere about it. As a freelance designer, it gets a bit boring plugging away at the computer all day. The friendly conversations the staff strikes up with me helps me tolerate my work and is also very conducive to creativity. Again, awesome place.
Canton Center:
Another amazing staff. This staff is also easy to talk to and creates a nice, chill atmosphere. The first time I came into this shop, the staff made me feel like a regular. This staff is also very open and expressive; which I feel is amazing! :)
Again, in general each shop is amazing. I have never experienced a coffee chain that was consistent in providing a personal, good experience.
Thanks! :)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Another BIGGBY way story ! (stories like this make me smile!)
Coast 2 Coast Mom: When Companies Do One Nice Thing, I Pass It On Coast 2 Coast Mom: When Companies Do One Nice Thing, I Pass It On
Shared via AddThis
Sunday, September 27, 2009
BIGGBY GAME - Designed by the Dyl-man (age 13)
Click on the link BIGGBY GAME and wait a moment for the game to deploy (it will take a few seconds).
Click on the BIGGBY Cups to earn a point.
Have fun!
Friday, September 25, 2009
This just in -- Another BIGGBY WAY story :) from Julie...
I just wanted to say a special "Thank you!" to those working at the Southfield location. Today is my Birthday and I came in with my Birthday coupon to get a coffee.
They made me feel very special today. I really do appreciate it and loved my coffee experience. THIS is why I love Biggby and the people who work there and will choose Biggby over ALL other coffee shops. Keep up the good work Southfield Shop!! And thank you.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
This just in -- from Brian, The BIGGBY way in Mt. Pleasant
Just a quick note of thanks! The staff at the Mt. Pleasant Blue Grass Rd. location are doing an excellent job! Every time I come in, I am cheerfully greeted and made to feel welcome! The coffee is always hot and plentiful in the blend that I prefer which is the French Roast. In these difficult economic times it is gratifying to know that my expectations are always met and that I leave more than satisfied every time at Biggby Coffee, and that makes life a bit more pleasurable!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
13.1 a half marathon reported by M
On Sunday, September 7, Bob and I ran in the Virginia Beach Rock Roll 1/2 Marathon... the first I'd ever attempted running 13.1 miles.
Here are a few stats from the day… there were approximately 23,000 registered runners. Just over 20,000 actually started the race. Of those, only 15,553 finished. The average temperature on the day was 83 degrees… but that’s deceptive, as I’ll explain later. The race started at 7:00 a.m. Our finish time was 2:39… which is just under 12 minutes per mile. But the real story isn’t in the numbers.
Here’s how our race day went…
Bob was up before the alarm even went off at 4:00 a.m. Morning is not typically my best time, but that’s a moot point, since 4:00 a.m. hardly qualifies as “morning.”
Still, it’s hard to be grumpy when your sweet husband wakes you up with oatmeal, coffee, and encouraging words.
I had plenty of race day jitters going, even before I was awake enough to realize it, but we started into our long-run rituals… getting into our favorite running gear, applying the aspercreme, Tylenol, and cortisone (my 44-year old bones’ three best friends), and by the time we pinned on our numbers and double knotted our shoes, I felt like maybe, just maybe, I could this.
We thought we’d be among the first ones to arrive, but there was already a big crowd when we pulled into the parking lot at 5:15. Sunrise was still an hour away, and there was music and laughing and high spirits all around as the runners gathered and gossiped and stretched and told each other war stories about other races on other days.
Because there were so many runners, they had us in a corral system for what they called a “wave start,” which basically means letting people go in batches. We were in the 17th corral, about half way back, and from our vantage point, you could really appreciate how small you were in that big crowd.
We watched a beautiful sunrise. There were beach balls being batted around, and people singing and laughing, and a real carnival spirit. I saw an Elvis impersonator with a bib number on, and wondered how on earth he was going to make it 13.1 miles in all that velour.
Finally, at 7:00 a.m., they fired the starting pistol, and we waited for our turn to walk up to the starting line.
The first over the line were the folks in the wheel chair invitational. Then the professional women. Then, about 15 minutes later, the professional men. Only after that did they begin to release the corrals. From where we were, you could tell when a corral was released because you could see there heads begin to bob up and down when they started running.
Finally, about ½ an hour after the gun fired, it was our turn to start. Gulp.
There was no breeze as we crossed the start line… the air was heavy and humid. But I was too excited to notice that right away. What I did notice, almost as soon as I started running, was that I forgot to use the restroom before we started, and uh oh, I really had to go. D’oh! We weren’t even all the way out of the parking lot, so at least the porto-potties were easy to get to, but double d’oh! I had barely gotten started and I had to stop! We lost 3 or 4 minutes right there.
We merged back in with the pack, and settled down… and by mile 2, I really felt like I’d found my stride. We were running 11 minute miles, then, which was our target race pace. There were bands every mile or so, and lots of cheerleaders, and cheering spectators, and we were running down the road with a shady cool forest to our right… it was bliss. I felt like I owned the universe, and I could do this all day long. I was singing. We were talking. Cheering. Clapping. Laughing. Wahoo!
We started to see the professionals running back on the other side of the street… they were almost done, and we were just beginning. Pretty amazing, really. They had already been running for 45 minutes or so, and they were flying by us… It’s hard fathom how the human body can pound away like that for so long, so fast.
Things were merry, smooth, and went exactly as planned for the first 5 miles. We were inland, three blocks in from the water, running down a closed off street. It was hot, but there was shade, so it all seemed so doable. And I was loving all the excitement and how I good I felt.
Miles 5-½ through 9, though, took us to Camp Pendleton… a former army base clear cut out of section of forest. From the second we entered the base, you could feel the conditions change… we were running on black top, the sun was beating down on us, no trees, no breeze, no air, and the heat reflecting back up from our feet. It felt like we ran into a bad fever dream… it was hot hot hot hot hot, and we were all sweating profusely, but there was no way for that water to evaporate off our bodies. It was like running wearing a plastic bag.
That’s where I first started to slow down.
There were plenty of water stations, and we drank as we ran, and poured water over our heads to try to cool off. We could see people starting to struggle, me included. But not everybody had trouble – we were right behind a group of what must have been marines, or navy seals… they pealed off from the runners to go do sit ups and run through an obstacle course before they rejoined the pack, and later passed us. All I can say is that I’m glad those guys are on OUR side.
By the time we got out of the base and back on the road, round about mile 9, I knew I was in trouble. I had eaten some gu (runner performance food you’re supposed to ingest for energy in the middle of a long run), but it wasn’t going down well. It was a struggle not to throw up, and an even bigger struggle to not stop running. It was the heat. Even though there was some shade once we left the base, it didn’t seem to help… I was trying to shake off images in my mind of boiling lobsters and rotisserie chickens. I was miserable. But I was determined.
We kept going… slow slow slow, but still moving. Bob was giving me pep talks, which helped a lot. But still, at a couple of points, I was crying as we ran, and really struggling to keep going, slow as it was. But there were some pretty awesome people running with us… in one of those worst moments, one older gentleman came up along side me and said to me “no matter how bad you think you look now, you’re going to look great when you cross the finish line… keep going girl, you can do it!” An other woman ran over to me and said “oh, honey, would some m&ms help?” Runners are a very supportive lot, in the main.
By mile 10, we began to see people passed out from the heat on the side of the road, which was alarming, but Bob kept telling to not look, and just keep going. We were running in full sun again, by mile 11… but you could see the water through the buildings, and every once and a while, there was a whiff of a breeze.
The last mile was on the boardwalk. You could see the finish line, but that actually didn’t help me in the moment, because it seemed so very far away. The heat was literally visible… it made everything shimmer. I played a game to distract myself… keeping my head down, watching the feet of runners in front of me, only looking up every couple of minutes so that it would seem like the finish like was coming up on me faster.
It seemed to take for ever to get to the last half mile… but as bad as I felt, there was a breeze by then, and I was determined to finish strong.
We picked up our pace a little… even sprinting a bit at the end… and then, WHOOOOOSH! We crossed the finish line. Thank God! WAHOOOOOO! WE DID IT!!!!! I CAN WALK NOW!!!!!
Boy, the race organizers really did a good job with the finish line… as you crossed it, the first thing that happened is a volunteer handed you a bottle of water. You’re walking by then, delirious (at least, I was), through a gauntlet of volunteers and cheering spectators. They hand you a banana. Then they hand you a Popsicle. Then they hand you an ice-cold towel for you head and the back of your neck. Then they put a finisher’s medal on you (a really nice one, by the way). Then they hand you a “recovery kit,” full of gu samples, and cereal, and other chotchkis. Then, suddenly, you’re out of the finishing area, and the race is over.
I was elated by then, and I had no idea I was sore until we tried to walk down the stairs to the beach. At first, my legs just wouldn’t do it. They kind of buckled underneath me, and the only reason I didn’t fall down is because I caught myself on the railing. We managed to make it onto the beach, and to the beer tent, for our free MGD… I’m not a beer girl, but OH MY LORD, that tasted goooooood.
There were sooooooo many people milling about… not just runners, of course, but the beach goers, and spectators, and it was hard to pick our way through the bodies to find the stairs back up to the street. We walked back to the starting line, beginning to feel our legs as went, and we found our car and drove home.
My mom took pictures, and then trundled us off into a well-earned Jacuzzi, and a celebration lunch at Bubbas. Then later, back into the car, for the long drive to Michigan.
On a very sad note, we found out after the race that one of people who had passed out from the heat, never recovered. He was in his 20s and in good shape before the race, but he died from heat exhaustion. It’s a sad reminder that this isn’t child’s play… it’s hard work running 13.1 miles, and isn’t to be taken lightly.
I’ll definitely do this again. Next time, though, we’ll shoot for a cooler race, and I’ll be looking to beat our time. I think we’ll shoot for something in January or February for our next one. And I’ll be ready. Anybody want to come?
BIGG-B part of the BIGG-D, Go Mid Town!
Click On Detroit Video about the revitalization of Mid-Town in Detroit!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I Love BIGGBY....
From a Mary, a customer...
I was recently at an all-day conference in Lansing. When the conference ended at 4:00, I was dreading the two hour ride back home and feeling completely exhausted. I had forgot my ATM card at home that morning and had no cash on me, although I did have my checkbook. A smile lit up my face when I saw a Biggby on the road heading to the freeway. I stopped thinking I could use my checkbook. Unfortunately--and understandably--the young woman who waited on me told me the owner didn't accept checks. However, she insisted on giving me a complimentary latte for my ride back home. I was so appreciative! I believe I would have fallen asleep if I didn't get some caffeine. I told her I would stop by the next day to pay, as I would be back in town for the second day of the conference. She told me, "Don't worry about it." But I did stop by after the conference was over on the second day to pay for the first latte and to get a second latte for the ride home that afternoon. I LOVE Biggby! You care about your customers and make us feel like family.
Thank you Mary, for taking the time to write us :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Orange vs Green in GR ....Friendly competition always appreciated :)
From one of our many operators in Grand Rapids!
I thought I would share a success story from our store. We have a new investment firm opening across the street from us in the same plaza as Starbucks. They are doing an all afternoon/evening pig roast to celebrate their opening. We went over there and asked if they would like any coffee to offer at no cost since it was a little chilly out and we wanted to welcome them to the neighborhood. Their next question was, how big of a banner can you bring?!? They had asked Starbucks to donate coffee and were told that was not something they do, and would love to support the local guys. We got to bring them coffee, set out banners, signs, and coupons in the Starbucks parking lot!!!!
Tim H. / Store 180
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
BIGGBY CUP -- Our own version of the Stanley Cup....
....finds it's home in Gaylord, MI...Congrats to Nick and the gang for B-ing exemplary BIGGBY operators. If you have never been to the store in Gaylord, MI you'll have to stop by next time your in the area (I always do) and it just makes my day to get my coffee the BIGGBY way!
Stanley Cup finds it's way to Pure Michigan shores again...Go BIGGBY!
Hello everyone,
Here are the pictures I was telling you about. That's Dan Bylsma, the coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins. He is a Grand Haven native and we were privileged to attend his private showing of the Stanley cup a couple of weeks ago. We took advantage of the situation and brought gifts of coffee and mugs. The two gentlemen with the white gloves travel with the Stanley Cup. They put the white gloves on to hold the BIGGBY mug and coffee.
It was nice seeing all of you. Thanks for the annual meeting.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
This just in -- It happens just one customer at a time...that's all:)
Vickie from Southfield sent this one in...
I can't tell you enough how much I have come to enjoy Biggby Coffee. I was a die hard Starbuck's fanatic always driving out of my way for my morning brew. Then I moved, a new way to work was necessary, this is when I stumbled upon Biggby Coffee! The Biggby Staff are fantastic! They are always upbeat, cheerful, and, informative. They get my day off to a great start...not to mention the Brew...always smooth, brewed to perfection, never bitter or burnt. YUM! I have grown to enjoy the morning stop so much that I find myself pulling in on the way home.
Biggby you have won me over...So long Starbucks!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
245/365 Bike Babe
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Just when you think you've seen it all :)
Yep, that's right I was taken aback again! I've been serenaded, choired, and secret handshaked...but now for the first time....a real CHEERLEADER cheer! Wahooo! Now these guys told me that they are a little rusty...but I couldn't tell!
Thanks again Mission Street BIGGBY...I had a great time !!!
Go Chippewas! Go Mt. Pleasant! :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
JUst too cute...But I love it :)
This photo was submitted by Jill who said ....
I love BIGGBY coffee and visit the store frequently...too frequently, I must admit! What can I say, quality coffee is a weakness of mine. :O)
Take care,
Sunday, August 16, 2009
More Hijinks at Store 279 Training...
This is Stephanie "Guffie" McGuffie! She's always excited! She's really excited about her bucket of whipped cream! She's even more excited about the giant etching pattern she did on top of it! Aren't you excited too?!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Fully Alive
Yahoo!!! Just finished up the class with the new crew at our opening-on-Wednesday Mission St. Mt. Pleasant store (our second store in Mt. Pleasant--the takeover has begun!), and I am a live wire.
What a great group! So you know how much fun it is to visit one of our stores and interact with those bright, shiny, wonderful baristas, two or three at a time? Imagine spending four hours with 26 of them! Okay, so they're not fully fledged baristas yet--this is just day one of training, but they have all of the raw materials of our baristas: they are fun, energetic, enthusiastic, hard-working, and...inspirational.
This is going to be a great weekend.
Want to meet them? Come visit on Wednesday, August 19th for the Grand Opening--we're excited!!!
-JD, Director of Training and guest blogger
Pandemonium or PERColator Training?
You decide.
Regardless, you can't say that it's a boring class!
Go ahead and take a guess on what it is that they're learning!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
As Promised...
As mentioned in my post last night, here's a quick peek into the BIGGBY COFFEE Training Center, as well as the comments Jim shared with us about how, for him, it's more than just the coffee. Enjoy! -JD, Director of Training and guest blogger
I submitted the customer survey you sent yesterday but wanted to take an extra minute or so to add my personal congratulations for the job you’ve done in pulling together and maintaining an outstanding staff and coffee shop in the Brookfield shopping center on East Grand River in East Lansing.
I stop in there daily for my double espresso on my way back to the office after lunch. I’m always greeted with a smile and a Hi, Jim and, as I reach for my money and BIGGBY card, there’s my double – often before I’ve even ordered it.
I’m always made to feel welcome, known, and appreciated by Dave, Jennifer, the rest of the regular crew and, within a day or two, even by those new smiling faces that pop up from time to time.
I don’t have to go there for that coffee. I have a perfectly good Swiss-made espresso machine at home that reliably produces a rich creamy brew with that wonderful crema within five minutes of deciding I’d like one. And even with those daily stops at the Brookfield BIGGBY, I still call on it to do that for me from six to a dozen times a week.
But you know, that machine couldn’t care less if I turn it on or not. It doesn’t know my name, it doesn’t smile, it doesn’t want to know how my day’s going or what I’m involved in this week. It doesn’t play great blues in the background. It doesn’t offer other people studying, talking, laughing, meeting, or just watching the world go by. Sure it gives me a great cup of coffee.
But Brookfield BIGGBY gives me something to look forward to – such a nice break in the day – a little order in the midst of the chaos. I leave there feeling like I’ve had a nap and a shower and I’m ready to tackle the rest of the day.
My sincere thanks to you and especially to the great crew at Brookfield BIGGBY. What a breath of fresh air. What a gift!
Thank You!
Warning! If you suffer from motion sickness, you may want to take a dramamine before viewing the video--crazy, crazy camera work!
Monday, August 10, 2009
It's not just about the coffee...
"It's more than just the coffee we's the experience we provide." We steep (er, percolate?) our employees in this idea from the very beginning of training--that's the seventh sentence in the training manual, in fact.
But it's not compensating. We know our drinks are awesome. But it's just not as much fun if we're only keyed in to making the world's best coffee. If that was all there was to it, we'd just be BIGGBY Bots. Boring BIGGBY Bots. Bunches of boring BIGGBY Bots. Bunches of boring BIGGBY barista Bots. Bunches of boring BIGGBY Barista Bots belting Badly Drawn Boy's ballads.
My wife just told me I took that one too far. Oh well. Can't win 'em all.
Anyway, it's fun to take it beyond the coffee. That's what I looked forward to back in my barista days--talking to the customers--regulars or first-time visitors, didn't matter, learning and laughing all the way through each shift.
And it's gotta' be the same way for our customers, right? We hear from them all the time via our B-Heard page on our website, where nearly every compliment mentions some variation of great service, fun staff, and so on, and then "oh yeah, love the coffee too."
We actually have an entire hallway decorated with these comments! I'll post a video of the hallway, and a micro-tour of the Training Center tomorrow evening, along with a customer comment that I received 5 years ago that I have used in almost every class I've taught since. It's from a great guy named Jim, a long-time regular customer at one of our East Lansing stores, someone who really knows his espresso, and someone who really "gets" what BIGGBY is all about.
Until then...
-JD, Director of Training and guest blogger.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Left Coast Learnings
My wife and I just returned home after a week in Portland, OR, visiting her sister, marking my first time to the West Coast. Learnings:
1) It's Oar-uh-gun, not Oar-uh-GAHN. Thankfully got the tip on that from a friend juuuuuust before heading out there.
2) Mountains look awesome--up close and far away.
3) Even though, at home, it stinks to have to stay up all hours to finish west coast games and award shows, getting a 3-hour-late-start on the East Coast every day is way worse.
4) The kilt is a big deal in Portland--spotted six different men all kilted up, and all different styles of kilt. The award, however, goes to the gentleman on the boardwalk, wearing a kilt, playing the bagpipes (naturally), and riding a unicycle (not so naturally).
Can we take a quick moment to imagine that gentleman, two hours earlier, at the corner coffee shop? Here goes:
Barista: There you go--your piccolo americano.
Kilt Guy: Great, thanks! Off to work!
Barista: Oh yeah? Where do you work?
Kilt Guy: I play the bagpipes on the boardwalk while riding a unicycle.
Barista: Does that come with Dental?
Kilt Guy: ...
Barista: Well, have a good shift!
Kilt Guy: Will do.
2nd Kilt Guy: Is my cappuccino ready yet?
Back to the Learnings:
5) Streetcars are very, very cool but surprisingly, despite how many coffee shops there are in that part of the country, they don't come with cup oversight, I think.
6) There are lots of coffee shops, but there is nothing, at all, remotely, like BIGGBY out there.
It's good to be home.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Introducing the Director of Dogma
If you have followed BIGGBY Bob on this blog for a while now, you will remember the many barista interviews where Bob asked the barista "What is the BIGGBY Way?" The baristas would usually quote either our Mission Statement or our Operating Philosophy and Bob would wave it off saying, "not that corporate dogma stuff."
I, on the other hand, put a little imaginary sticker up on the metaphorical gold star board. I LOVE that our staff members can rattle this stuff off reflexively because it's the backbone of our training program.
I've been with the company now for nine years, having somewhat stumbled into the part-time position as a barista after being unable to get hired as a server or bartender at area restaurants. I remember, very distinctly, that first day of training at the store--the trainer, Melissa, invited us (there was one other trainee) to get a drink, and then we adjourned to the patio and turned to page 1 of the training manual. And we read PERC, an acronym for our operating philosophy.
And my perspective on the retail world changed forever. PERC gives our baristas structure for the "how" and "why" of "what" we do. It outlines a set of rules that, if followed, will absolutely deliver the best retail experience in the world for our customers. I read those four lines about respecting the customers' time, making them feel special, giving them a perfectly made drink every time they visit, and making sure that they always leave the store in a better mood and it resonated with me.
BIGGBY is different. However you articulate it, and there are many different ways(read the posts between 7/27 and 8/5 for examples), a lot of it is grounded in those four little letters and what they mean to BIGGBY baristas. It gives us permission to spend our time behind the counter making people happy, oh, and making coffee--that too.
So nine years later I'm the guy responsible for pushing the "dogma" within BIGGBY community as Director of Training, and I could not be happier in, or more proud of, that job.
I'm looking forward to the next week or so of guest blogging--it's a great opportunity for me to share a slightly different perspective than Bob does on that same amazing BIGGBY World. Thanks. -JD
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Take it away Dr. J !
I'll be outta commission for a week while I get a dose of sea salt!
While I am gone Jeremy D. -- Trainer Extraordinaire, BIGGBY Aficionado, and Trusted Opinion will be blogging on my behalf.
You will find whatever he writes enjoyable, fun, and thoughtful.
See you on the flipside :)
Tim ... (aka) (aka) Apple-Guru (aka) BIGGBY barista
Tim wants BIGGBY to have an 'in house' bottomless cup-o-coffee...
He makes his case!
What do you think?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The BIGGBY way trumps all....thanks for the POST Catherine!
I just wanted to write and let you know that on July 29th, I stopped in to Biggby to redeem my free birthday drink coupon. I was having a bad day and didn't have that great of a birthday. I placed my order with drive-thru employee and when I pulled around, he immediately wished me, "Happy Birthday" and asked how my birthday was. I told him the truth and he proceeded to ask about the prior day (my birthday) and the current. I thought it was sweet of him to do so. I'm writing because I wanted to you to know that the extra 2 minutes your employee took to actually inquire about how I was doing made a difference on my outlook for the rest of the day. Sometimes all it takes is someone to ask. Not to mention that the drink I ordered was delicious. Kudos to your company and your employees. Keep up the great work!
You can B-Heard @ on the hotline
Thursday, July 30, 2009
This just in -- The BIGGBY way trumps all !!
Sometimes I think, maybe I give Biggby too much credit.... maybe its not really as good as I think. Then I go try Starbucks to compare. Every time I realize why I always stick with Biggby. Great coffee with a great taste and AMAZING customer service!
Thanks Amanda :) !
This Just in -- the BIGGBY WAY (store 4) .....way to go!
My compliments to the staff at this Biggby! The baristas are always friendly and give you that feeling that makes me feel good about Biggby Coffee--the finest in the world. Going to Biggby's is so unlike any other coffee shop where they just try to push you in your order and get you to have a more expensive drink. You must take care of your baristas because they do an excellent job at all phases of the sale: from ordering to chatting about whatnot, to delivery of the drink--Biggby's has got it down.
Thanks Mark!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thanks for noticing!
A blogger takes note of some exceptional training...Thanks for noticing!
(click on the title to go straight to the blog)
Biggby Coffee Customer Service sets the bar
So, I am a frequent consumer of delicious beverages served up at my local Biggby Coffee shop – formerly known as Beaners. I’ve traveled quite a bit through my home state and always manage to find a local Biggby to satisfy my need for refreshment. One thing that has stood out at every Biggby Coffee shop I have visited is the approach the baristas use while taking my order.
I often order a drink for my wife and for myself. After describing each beverage I am ordering to the barista, they always, without fail, respond by saying “what else can I get for you?” Usually I tell them the second beverage, to which they reply once again “what else can I get for you?” Biggby Baristas have been meticulously trained to assume each and every customer wants more than they are ordering. Often times they are right, and thus are able to accommodate their customers with additional B Treats, souvenir coffee cups, and even hip and trendy B gear.
On the flip side, every time I visit a local fast food restaurant and place an order, at the conclusion of ordering my first item, the order-taker abruptly announces “will that complete your order?”. Usually I have more items that I would like to order, so I have to answer them “no, I’d like ____.” After each item is ordered, the order-taker repeats his plea for me to stop ordering food: “will that complete your order”. Apparently there is a limit on the amount of food I can order and this order-taker is cautiously hoping that I don’t reach that limit – stopping me after each item to be sure I am not taking my order too far. What happened to asking me if I would like fries? Where has my “super-size for only $.25″ offer gone? I know that their clock is running, but wouldn’t they improve their bottom line by enticing every customer to spend more money, rather than rushing them through in order to get to the next customer?
So in the essence of fairness and investigation, I timed myself saying “what else can I get for you?” and “does that complete your order?”. Both phrases are 7 syllables and take the identical time to speak. Even adding in fluctuations for enthusiasm, saying “does that complete your order?” does not reduce the time of service at all. Yet saying “what else can I get for you?” increases the average ticket price and company bottom line.
Every service-based business could stand to learn from Biggby Coffee.
This just in -- BIGGBY Best :) ..thanks Kathy !
I just discovered your "fun" high-quality online website with its varied activities and options. The trivia questions are engaging.
My favorite Biggby blend is Biggby's Best. I had been getting McDonald's coffee but have now changed to Biggby's because McDonald's has made some kind of change in their coffee - and not for the better! Biggby's Best has just the right robustness and flavor for me without being overpoweringly strong (like Starbuck's!).
I got "hooked" on Biggby's coffee in Big Rapids, Michigan, where I teach at Ferris State University. I also frequent the EastBelt Line store (north of IMAX) in Grand Rapids, and have visited two shops downtown Grand Rapids.
I love the idea of getting a free coffee with my Biggby card!
Thanks. Nice product.
The just in -- more on the BIGGBY way :)
I look forward to starting my day at BIGGBY COFFEE. The products, the people that work there and the ownership have all been great. I recommend BIGGBY to all my friends and even my own customers!
Thanks for being part of the community and providing a great product and a wonderful atmosphere.
Summerville, SC
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Jen works at the Grosse Pointe BIGGBY COFFEE, but I run into her a lot at various BIGGBY Grand Openings. There is such a strength and warmth in her really shines through whether she is working at her store or helping somebody else. If you ever see her working I beg you to get a straight latte, hers are truly 'one of the best' and you will also get a chance to see some beautiful 'latte art.'
Thanks Jen!
Peter the Great (two)
I have met Peter several times now at various BIGGBY operations...I enjoy his kindness and complete dedication! Thank you Peter :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Mark my word...BIGGBY COFFEE
This just in...from Mark :)
The secret of Biggbys lies in the reality that the average Biggby barista is an interesting person, with a kind disposition, attention to excellent courteous service and a sense of humor. To be sure, I believe that I hardly ever go to Biggbys just to get a drink anymore--sure the drink is good--but the essence of my enjoyment when I stop at Biggbys is the wit and charm of the conversation that ensues while I'm ordering and having my drink made. Take care to keep up that corporate attitude and Biggbys will always be my choice for coffee+
Thank you Mark!
Sherri from Kenosha said:
Came again today, like every day.
Ally and Steph were here with their smiling faces.
Always ready to greet people. Made 'See you tomorora' wonderful latte (actualy 2) as usual. Good job!
See you tomorrow.
LA Confidential -- and BIGGBY COFFEE
This just in ...
I am a recent graduate of MSU and have moved to sunny Los Angeles. I need to know when you are planning on starting a franchise out here. I can't stop thinking about your coffee, friendly atmosphere, incredible coffee, fun branding, coffee, the big orange B's, oh and your INCREDIBLE COFFEE!!! I miss giving you guys my money. Please come here ;)
Thanks Randi!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The BIGGBY way - by the Hayes family :)
I just wanted to drop you a note and tell you what a great person you have working for you at the store near me in Wyoming MI 28th street.
She was very kind and patient when, I came in with my family of five.
She made sure that every one got the perfect type of drink, mine being the Caramel Marvel, wow that thing is great, and the kids just loved the drinks that She help them pick out.
She made us really fell like we all just have a own coffee house now, a cool place to hang out and drink and have fun, she even told us later on that she was looking forward to are next visit and that we have a great family.
Please give are thanks to this person at you store for making us all fell so welcome.
Her name was Nicole .
Thanks again from the Hayes Family
Thursday, July 16, 2009
This just in -- from Betsy (thanks for saying so)
I come into BIGGBY at both Chicago Dr. and Ivanrest. I am very impressed with the kindness of your staff at both locations. They are always friendly and have smiles on their faces. Thank you. It is nice to come into a place where the workers appear happy. They never give off the impression of being stressed, impatient or tired, even at their busier times. Thank you for a job well done.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
This just in -- from Kristen @ Westland BIGGBY :)
I had the best coffee drink I have ever had in my entire life today at the Biggby here in Westland. The service was spectacular, though I cannot remember the guy's name who served us. I drink Biggby 4-5 times a month, especially the chill drinks in the summer, and I have never had a better one than the Nutty Buddy big chill I got today. Loved it! I usually go to the one in Canton, but I think I am changing to the one in Westland. It was great!
This just in -- Another BIGGBY WAY story :)
last night while I was manning the B-Heard Hotline, I received a phone call from a woman by the name of Sally who went to store 2 several weeks ago, had a meeting, and forgot her purse when she left.
She was frantic looking for it because she needed her ID to fly out on business the next day. She called the store hoping that it would be there and Emily answered the phone and let her know that in fact she had found it.
Sally really really really appreciated the fact that Emily found it, saved it, and was willing to stay past store hours so that this woman could pick up her purse.
She also was struck by the honesty and integrity of Emily (who would not take a reward) and felt that Emily had restored Sally’s faith in people.
Thanks Emily! Way to go!
Monday, June 29, 2009
This just in -- from Owosso BIGGBY!
Lisa said...
This is by far my favorite store...all of the employees know exactly how to brighten your day and make you feel welcome. I drive out of my way most of the time to come to this store, as a business major I can say wholeheartedly that these guys know what they are doing! Keep it up!
This just in -- from Tom
From a conversation Tom Butz was having with a FB friend :)
Re: Hey...
"Yesterday for dance recital I had my husband pick up Biggby for some of the parents, and let me tell u, it was the ones who are "Starbuck" fan ...they are in love with u now! Yea your company! Even my friend Mary from Grand Rapids was in for a visit and now she says she has to drive an extra 10 min to go to Biggby (she lives in East GR walking distance to DT East and all there is is a Starbucks..hummmmmm...location idea?????) Have a super day!"
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Opinion: Finding the balance in health and wellness
by Bonnie Jean Feldkamp
Wednesday April 15, 2009, 8:00 AM
FeldkampIt's that time of year again. It's the time when enthusiastic New Year's resolutions of January have dwindled down to standing in the kitchen debating between cheesecake and a grapefruit.
We're considering the work wellness programs and the weekly Jenny Craig weigh-ins. Blood work with a low cholesterol reading will save you $5 on your monthly health insurance premium, according to corporate. Yes, it's all very enticing. But at 10 p.m., I'm up against the Moose Tracks in the freezer that the kids couldn't go without.
The articles online boggle my brain. No worries trying to find diet ideas. Just pick your favorite one. It's either an overload on meat or no meat at all. Eat a boatload of fruit, but skip the bread.
Where's the balance?
This is a common predicament, says my friend Patrick Smith. He's a personal trainer. He tells me that he sees two types of people, the exercise addict and the couch potato. He says they are equally unhealthy. The exercise addict runs their body into the ground, and the couch potato will gasp their way up a flight of stairs.
I know that game. I used to rise early every morning to hit the treadmill before waking my daughter for school. My frustrations were pounded out step by step as I jammed to the tunes on my iPod. I ran like I was out to kill somebody.
Who'd have thought the person I was killing was me?
Everything I read said the key to stress relief was more exercise. On stressful days my choices were run until the sweat stung in my eyes or down a shot of whiskey after the school bus drove away with my kid. I was making the healthy choice, I thought.
I liked the impact of a good run, until I woke one day to my knee looking like a big mushy grapefruit. Hey, they say you are what you eat. Now what? I can't run ... good grief, I can barely walk.
I struggled to find balance. I read 25 different opinions on what the word "wellness" really means. Skinny doesn't necessarily mean healthy, and chubby doesn't always mean unhealthy.
Sigh. Instant gratification is the American creed. The Internet is plastered with weight-loss gimmicks for the 30-second attention span of the cyberspace surfer.
Employers seem to care. They want their employees to stick around a little longer, and the capitalist mentality of corporate likes the money saved on insurance premiums, I'm sure. Alabama went so far as to introduce the "fat tax" and workplace weigh-ins.
So let's balance, shall we? Let's pace ourselves as we continue on with our New Year's resolutions. Take a deep breath and look for ways to relieve stress and be well, without blowing out knees.
Motivate yourself with work-place perks, and when you hit the Biggby's drive-thru, order that mocha latte "skinny, skinny," made sugar free with skim.
Do I want that mocha with whip? Of course I do.
That, my friends, is what I call balance.
Bonnie Jean Feldkamp is executive director of the Richland Area Community Center
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
B-Happy -- by Kelly :)
B-Happy by Kelly or Go To her BLOG :)
It’s 8:05am and class has started. Don bought me a coffee…my first one in about a month (I know, down from my weekly addiction…but I’m a grad student, funds are low). I got to the front of the line and ordered my Tall, Skinny Wild Zebra (with whipped cream on top) and a bagel (sliced, toasted, with butter) to go. And the lady at the counter said, “The guy behind you is buying drinks today." I thought she meant for his work…like he’s taking ten drinks to his office. So when she said, “It’ll be $1.67” I replied with, “Are you going to charge me for the drink?”
I know, it wasn’t even 8a at that point. I walked down the counter and asked the lady making my drink, “Who is that guy?”
“Oh, that’s Bob. …The co-founder of Biggby.” He’s also the CEO.
That made my day. Don was going to buy me a coffee but heck, when the co-founder of your favorite coffee place buys my coffee, Don takes a back seat. Sorry hubby…you can have the front seat on the way to the airport Sunday.
I blog because that made my day. I would have loved to stay and chatted with Bob but I had to get off to class…man, this class is definitely getting in my way! First, the wedding, now this… (Note to self:) I guess I should take a hint that summer was never meant for classes.
Bob has a blog: He also told me there are tons of drinks not on the menu. Why not? I’d probably venture outside of my norm.
Thanks for the Coffee Bob!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
BIGGBY -- Open Mike Night in Shelby (awesome stuff)
Watch it all if you have time or advance to 2:10 and listen (you'll love what you hear) :)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
This just in -- Another ROI story @ BIGGBY COFFEE in Southfield :)
Go to the Heart of Nations blog
Biggby Coffee held an open house for the Urban Art students last week. Their pictures were displayed for a week where customers could vote for their favorite.
The shop also donated $1.00 per drink over a 4 hour window. At the end of the week, the Urban Art students from City Mission were honored at an open house in the store. They were given a free drink and presented with awards. We had a great time and give a huge shout of thanks to Biggby!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
This just in -- from Joe... @ Lk Lansing across from Eastwood
Hi Bob-
I just had to message you tell you about the experience I just had @ the Biggby referenced above. I stopped in to pick up a coffee for my wife and myself. I walked in the door at (according to my watch) 8:58 tonight. I fully expected to get the "sorry, we just closed" line. I didn't. Not only that, when I apologized for being "that guy" who pulls in two minutes before closing time they responded, "technically, it three minutes to, so you have plenty of time." The two on duty were very friendly despite my last minute order.
Bob, I worked in the service biz in college and I can tell you that wouldn't have been my response back then. Those two treated me like I was their first customer of the day, not their last.
I thought you'd like to know.
Have a great holiday.
This just in -- Another ROI story @ BIGGBY COFFEE in Charlotte :)
On Sunday May 17th, Charlotte Police Chief Bill Callahan was our guest barista for the afternoon. During his two hours with us we donated 50% of our profits to Camp Frances, a self funded local park donated for use by the local girls and boy scout groups.
It was a great community event and we were able to raise $200 . The annual budget for the camp which has a log cabin with kitchen and dining hall is about $1300/annually. Attached is a picture of us handing out the check to board members including Chief Callahan.
Friday, May 22, 2009
This just in -- South Lyon BIGGBY has a 'Dynamic Trio' :)
Wake up and smell Biggby Coffee (click title)
Coffee drinkers in South Lyon looking for their fix now have another business to choose from.
Biggby Coffee, which is located in the same building that once housed Arby's, celebrated its grand opening on May 5.
During the grand opening week, the coffee shop gave out free brewed coffee that the owners said rivals Starbucks and Caribou.
“We think Biggby is the best, and we have nothing like it in town,” said co-owner Vipen Khetarpal.
Khetarpal owns the franchise with his son Nishant, and also is aided by general manager Ray Loomis. Nishant and Loomis will be at the coffee shop every day, and their goal is to great a family atmosphere.
Along with an outdoor patio, the business also has a drive-thru for the on-the-go customer.
“People want to have that for their coffee,” Vipen said.
Besides serving the hot and cold coffee and specialty drinks, Biggby also has a selection of cookies and pastries, fruit cups, yogurt parfaits, bagel sandwiches, salads and wraps.
Vipen said they are looking forward to supporting the community and being part of it for a long time.
“Customers should expect high quality coffee, a timely response and a friendly smile all the time,” he said.
Biggby, located on Pontiac Trail just north of Nine Mile Road, will be open Monday-Saturday from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (248) 437-2011 ext. 255