Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Hi friends, franchisees and coffee lovers,
As CEO of BIGGBY COFFEE, I regularly communicate our brand vision: BIGGBY COFFEE will be the largest specialty coffee franchise chain in the U.S.
This brand vision was created in the late 1990’s when we had less than five stores. I have to admit, there were more than a few skeptics in the crowd when I first presented this aspiration. But over time, it became obvious that this wasn’t just some overly exuberant CEO fantasy. Becoming the largest specialty coffee franchise chain is becoming a fast reality.
CNBC and Technomic Inc. recently named BIGGBY COFFEE the #1 fastest-growing retail coffee chain in the U.S. Although there are larger companies, none are expanding at a faster rate.
I have always understood that our growth rests in the hands of our franchisees, and that if they are happy, then we at BIGGBY COFFEE will be able to achieve our brand vision. Franchise Business Review, a national independent research firm, surveyed 2,000 food service franchisees and ranked BIGGBY COFFEE as a top 30 food service concept in the nation on the basis of franchisee satisfaction.
But the question is, what makes a happy franchisee? In the end and without a doubt – putting culture and concept aside – I think that a happy franchisee is a profitable franchisee. Sounds too simple? Maybe, but the answer always rests in the results. BIGGBY COFFEE approached $50 million in sales last year, and our same-store sales year-over-year are up more than 11 percent.
For over a decade, I have woken up to a cup of Mocha Java and obsessed over our brand vision. Our recent recognitions have been a tremendous honor, and I look forward to the day when BIGGBY COFFEE is named the largest specialty coffee franchise chain in the U.S.
Have a wonderful holiday season,
Bob Fish (AKA BIGGBY Bob)
CEO and Co-Founder of BIGGBY COFFEE
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
BIGGBY COFFEE -- East Lansing, MI and Beyond: Why We Keep Going Back
Check out this GREAT article written by Deanne Brooke of
Friday, August 19, 2011
BIGGBY should have simply been given the opportunity to build in MSU Wells Hall
AS a graduate of the MSU School of Hospitality Business, and as the CEO and a founder of BIGGBY COFFEE, as a Michigan company that has over 20 months of double digit growth, as someone who has never turned down a speaking request at MSU…5-10 a year for no compensations…it is disappointing to never have been asked or been sent a rfp ….ever. Branding? Give me a break !!
Read the full article Starbucks to be built in Wells Hall
Friday, August 5, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Biggby Coffee opens in Petoskey
Biggby Coffee opens in Petoskey: "While the economy hasn't been great to some business owners, we've found one Petoskey man who has opened three businesses since 2007 and his latest, a Biggby Coffee in Petoskey."
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Spot Bob Tomorrow Morning from 8-10am!
All drinks are free tomorrow morning from 8-10am at the Stadium Blvd BIGGBY in Ann Arbor, MI! Read more about it here!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A poem by Ashton, a regular at BIGGBY in Findlay, Ohio!
Biggby Coffee
I park in my spot in the early hours
As I exit my vehicle, the best aroma falls like showers
I am suddenly aware that I have entered a world of coffee ambrosia
I don’t suppose ya know what I mean.
It’s the aroma of the Biggby Coffee bean!
As I pass by the welcoming glow of the neon, I know too well what is coming
I enter the door to be embraced by rock and exciting drumming
I approach the counter and my troubles I seem to forget
I’ve made it to the counter but I still don’t know what I’m gonna get!
Then the flavor comes to me at a speed that’s frightening
Please ma’am… get me one White Lightning!
As I sit down, I notice the common characters in the room.
A child colors in the lines of a Biggby Bear as a businessman leaves in a zoom.
Do they notice what just happened?
For a short time, they have entered a community united.
They are united by a dull morning now righted!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Thank you for helping BIGGBY COFFEE grow !!
Our newest location opens today in Howell, 1485 North Michigan Avenue at the intersect of M-59 and D-19.
B-Happy, Have fun, Make friends, Love people....and Drink great coffee !!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Tomorrow 5/10 is the Grand Opening of the newest BIGGBY COFFEE
Waterford location! 6123 Highland Rd... Just off m-59
Join them for a free...
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Biggby Coffee receives site plan approval to open drive-thru in Fenton
Check out this article written by Dana DeFever of The Flint Journal as she talks about BIGGBY COFFEE's return to Fenton, MI!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Mary Roszel - Co-Founder and VP, Biggby Coffee
Little Pink Book interviews Mary....Great advice :)
Mary Roszel - Co-Founder and VP, Biggby Coffee
Monday, April 4, 2011
BIGGBY COFFEE Opens in Saline MI
Wow and Yep!
BIGGBY COFFEE will be opening yet another location tomorrow on 6961 E Michigan Ave in Saline, MI.
Rather incredible if I say so myself ...this BIGGBY system just continues to grow and grow. We are having yet another banner year with a twelve month look back on same store sales growth of 11.07% and still no slowdown on new store development.
If you have ever thought about franchising a BIGGBY (or even if you haven't) now seems to be the moment to do it. The investment package is the lowest it's ever been, real estate is more competitive than 4 years ago, and the economy keeps inching up. If you want more info go to franchise info at .
Friday, April 1, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Official BIGGBY Coffee Facebook Page
"Like" it and tell us why you love BIGGBY COFFEE
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
BIGGBY celebrates 16th anniversary with 99 cent lattes
BIGGBY celebrates 16th anniversary, by the State News
The East Lansing-based company, Biggby Coffee, is celebrating its 16th birthday today by offering 99-cent tall, sweet and creamy hot drinks all day at participating locations.
Biggby’s founder and CEO Bob Fish opened the first store March 15, 1995.
He also is celebrating the company’s 15th consecutive month of growth, with 2010 being the company’s most successful year to date, according to a company press release.
Biggby has experienced 65 percent growth in sales during the past four years.
The company has expanded to 128 stores throughout six states. Employees at participating locations also will be offering upgraded drinks at reduced prices all day to help celebrate its birthday and to say “thank you” to all customers, according to the release.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
5 health reasons to not quit coffee.
go to original blog post
By Kerri-Ann Jennings, M.S., R.D., Associate Nutrition Editor at EatingWell Magazine
I really like coffee. The morning ritual of brewing a cup, the smell that perks me up before I take a sip and, of course, the flavor all make it my favorite beverage aside from water (water’s delicious!). As a registered dietitian and a nutrition editor for EatingWell Magazine, I know that coffee is fine in moderation. It has lots of antioxidants and is low in calories if you don’t load it up with cream and sugar. Nonetheless, I always feel slightly guilty about drinking it—you know, in a “it’s so good, it must be bad” kind of way.
Which is why I’m always delighted to hear of new reasons that coffee is good for your health...and there are plenty! Over 18,000 studies on coffee have been published in the past few decades, revealing these benefits, many of which Joyce Hendley wrote about in the March/April issue of EatingWell Magazine:
1. It protects your heart: Moderate coffee drinkers (1 to 3 cups/day) have lower rates of stroke than noncoffee drinkers, an effect linked to coffee’s antioxidants. Coffee has more antioxidants per serving than blueberries, making it the biggest source of antioxidants in American diets. All those antioxidants may help suppress the damaging effect of inflammation on arteries. Immediately after drinking it, coffee raises your blood pressure and heart rate, but over the long term, it actually may lower blood pressure as coffee’s antioxidants activate nitric oxide, widening blood vessels.
2. It diverts diabetes: Those antioxidants (chlorogenic acid and quinides, specifically) play another role: boosting your cells’ sensitivity to insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar. In fact, people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee each day may have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to some studies. Other studies have shown that caffeine can blunt the insulin-sensitivity boost, so if you do drink several cups a day, try mixing in decaf occasionally.
3. Your liver loves it: OK, so the research here is limited, but it looks like the more coffee people drink, the lower their incidence of cirrhosis and other liver diseases. One analysis of nine studies found that every 2-cup increase in daily coffee intake reduced liver cancer risk by 43 percent. Again, it’s those antioxidants—chlorogenic and caffeic acids—and caffeine that might prevent liver inflammation and inhibit cancer cells.
4. It boosts your brain power: Drinking between 1 and 5 cups a day (admittedly a big range) may help reduce risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as Parkinson’s disease, studies suggest. Those antioxidants may ward off brain cell damage and help the neurotransmitters involved in cognitive function to work better.
5. It helps your headaches: And not just the withdrawal headaches caused by skipping your daily dose of caffeine! Studies show that 200 milligrams of caffeine—about the amount in 16 ounces of brewed coffee—provides relief from headaches, including migraines. Exactly how caffeine relieves headaches isn’t clear. But scientists do know that caffeine boosts the activity of brain cells, causing surrounding blood vessels to constrict. One theory is that this constriction helps to relieve the pressure that causes the pain, says Robert Shapiro, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of neurology and director of the Headache Clinic at the University of Vermont Medical School.
Now, that’s not to say that coffee doesn’t have any pitfalls—it does. Some people are super-sensitive to caffeine and get jittery or anxious after drinking coffee; habitual coffee drinkers usually develop a tolerance to caffeine that eliminates this problem (but they then need the caffeine to be alert and ward off withdrawal headaches). Coffee can also disturb sleep, especially as people age. Cutting some of the caffeine and drinking it earlier in the day can curb this effect. Lastly, unfiltered coffee (like that made with a French press) can raise LDL cholesterol, so use a filter for heart health.
But if you like coffee and you can tolerate it well, enjoy it...without the guilt.
go to original blog post
Monday, February 21, 2011
SPOT BOB - in Dearborn !
Wow was that busy! Busiest ever actually. Steve was too busy behind the counter to make this picture, but you can see Sue (a BIGGBY operator from Allen Park) in the line. We had a great day.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Spot Bob at Biggby – Get Free Coffee
Click Here for original DEARBORN FREE PRESS article and some great pictures :)
DEARBORN, Michigan – Any cold morning in February, you’re likely to be greeted with a cheerful smile and a hot cup of coffee at the Biggby Coffee shop on Michigan Avenue in Dearborn. Thursday morning, Feb. 17th – Biggby CEO and co-founder Bob Fish will be there encouraging you to try anything on the menu – and he’s paying the tab. Go ahead and order the tallest ”Mellow Mellow” or “Mocha Mocha Chocolate Latte” - because Bob Fish is buying coffee for everyone who shows up on Thursday – Feb. 17th between 8:00 and 10:00 AM.
Steve Swinney - Biggby Coffee Manager and Franchise Owner
Franchise owner Steve Swinney knows many customers by name. He greets customers with a smile and chats about local news while filling orders. The local Biggby outlet on Michigan Avenue (near Military) in Dearborn was opened in the fall of 2010 and has seen a steady growth in regular customers.
The Biggby stores are designed with customer convenience in mind. The store offers free WiFi, and has great seating with plenty of wall outlets to keep your PC running. (More electrical wall outlets than any other coffee shop in Dearborn – from what we can see.)
Comfortable chairs are near the fireplace and a large flat screen TV is viewable from many of the tables. Plenty of free parking is available in the large strip-mall area.
Podcast: We interviewed Steve Swinney in an exclusive Dearborn Free Press podcast. You’ll hear Steve provide details about the Spot Bob promotion and a catch of glimpse of his enthusiastic attitude.
Click the arrow above to listen to the podcast (or download here). Special bonus: the podcast begins with the song “Morning Coffee” by Manolo Camp and ends with a song called (oddly enough) “Double Chocolate Mocha Espresso Coffee Frapacino” by Orb Gettarr.
David Chung runs the cash register while Nicole brews coffee at Biggby Coffee in Dearborn
Biggy CEO Bob Fish frequently travels to various Biggby locations to boost business for the fast growing Michigan based coffee franchise. In a promotion reminiscent of Where’s Waldo, he stops at local Biggby stores to provide free coffee for all the local guests. It provides him an opportunity to chat with customers, “check the pulse” of a community, and talk with local store owners about what’s working (and perhaps diagnose why something might not be working).
Biggby’s core values are clearly evident in the Thursday morning coffee give-away. “Engaging the community – giving is getting. For us, ROI is return on involvement,” Fish said. “We’re in a constant state of give.”
Biggby Coffee CEO Bob Fish recently shared his core values in a report by Crain’s Detroit Business:
Simplicity through systems. Having a system allows a small business to grow big.
Energy, excitement and enthusiasm. All three are equally important.
Faith, confidence and courage. Bob Fish called this one the most important.
Dedication, dependability and desire. There needs to be an insatiable want to improve.
Biggby has 126 stores, 90% of them in Michigan, and the rest in five other states
Click Here for original DEARBORN FREE PRESS article and some great pictures :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Have fun, B-Happy, Make Friends, Love People....Drink Great Coffee
Coffee Company Keys on Creativity, Humor, Relationships
Click here for the original article
It’s always amazing to me how the media focuses on what’s wrong with businesses these days. From corrupt CEO’s to declining industries, it’s amazing how the negative stories far outweigh the good.
Here’s a positive story of growth and success that I was fortunate to be a part of. I *spoke at the annual franchise meeting for BIGGBY coffee. It was their 15th anniversary and the Lansing (MI) based company is experiencing a positive growth pattern. I must say that after observing and meeting many people involved within the organization, it doesn’t surprise me a bit that they’re bucking the trend and growing in today’s current economy.
I’d like to share with you three things BIGGBY is doing right that every business can learn from in today’s turbulent and quickly changing economy.
First, they allow creativity to flourish. I noticed before and during the meeting that new ideas were not only encouraged from the franchise owners, but also from the staff and customers. This is not only smart, but essential in a business that’s not only hyper competitive but also full of powerful competitors ranging from brand names such as Starbuck’s and McDonald’s fighting for caffeine loyalty.
Second, the culture is built on fun. What? Customers that actually have fun and enjoy spending money? Yes, in a crowded industry, BIGGBY has positioned itself as the happy place where people enjoy not only going to, but spending money at. From the company’s billboards that tout this message, to unique names for drinks, their culture is built on making people smile and laugh.
In my various travels as a speaker throughout North America and author of several books on the topics of marketing and sales, I can tell you that very few organizations pull this off. Employing humor and fun is a smart marketing strategy on many fronts and it also encourages repeat business, higher word-of-mouth and greater brand loyalty. I’ve often said that if you can get people laughing, you’ll get them buying. BIGGBY hits it out of the park in this area.
Finally, they build relationships with their customers. Yes, I know it sounds obvious, but again, so few businesses do this. I was stunned to see near the podium as I was setting up my notes a stuffed binder full of customer testimonials and comments raving about their favorite employee, drink, or story from their favorite BIGGBY store. I flipped through the thick black binder for several minutes and even mentioned it during my keynote address that this was incredibly powerful evidence that customers are responding favorably and feel great about spending money with the company.
*Mr. Rubleski received a paid honorarium for his keynote address on 8-26-10 in Lansing, MI at the BIGGBY annual franchise meeting
BIGGBY customers are so loyal...this one takes Dog Sled to her favorite location
Hi Bob!
I took my dog sled out this morning to get my morning coffee at the drive-through, since we have been warned that road conditions are not good for driving. Thought you might like to see these photos. Carlos, the store manager at my favorite Portage franchise, suggested I submit them.
My name is Lxxxxxx. My dogs are Pumpkin and Misha, and they sure love to run! I was glad to be able to get my morning coffee.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Biggby CEO speaks to students
I had a chance to speak to students at James Madison and the Entrepreneur Assiciation. They were a sharp crowd and I had fun
Biggby CEO speaks to students
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Kid-friendly, BIGGBY-approved!
Here's a new trio of fun latte art etchings from Store 179--or really, etching/drawing hybrids--nice job Abby and Kendra, and thanks for getting the logo so nicely in frame--looks great!