Monday, November 8, 2010

Opening Day - Tues the 9th of November Coppell Tx ...Giddy-UP !!

Yelp review for BIGGBY in Coppell Tx


JD said...

It never, ever, fails--every single town we open in, anywhere in the country, there's always at least one stranded BIGGBY fanatic praying for a moment like this in Coppell. Enjoy it, Mary, we're glad to be there for you.

Congrats to Stan and family, too! The big day has arrived--enjoy it!

Angela said...

Congrats Stan and family; enjoy the journey! I hope I get a chance to come down and visit!

lisahaley said...

OOOH I am SO excited! Have been away from EL for 3 years now and can never get enough Biggby when I visit...will be down from Frisco to see the new spot as soon as I can!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Coppell crew! Enjoy day one of many! Show Dallas the BIGGBY COFFEE way of life! Best wishes!

Sandy Green said...

It's show time! The good people of Texas are about to learn what good coffee is all about. To the Newman's and the Atwood's, best to you all. I would say good luck but I doubt you will need it.

Anonymous said...

Just moved from Kalamazoo this summer and I am so exited that there is now a Biggby in Texas!