Tuesday, April 14, 2009

BIGGBY COFFEE introduces new size :)

What you do when your doctor says you can only have one cup of coffee a day :)


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!! Where can I get that size cup of coffee in the morning?

Gen M Girl said...

I want to know when you're going to start selling an IV drip...

Anonymous said...

That is sweeeeeeeet! I want one! : )

Jaibee said...

That's awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

What to call it is the question! :)YUM! SD

Anonymous said...

Does he get 2 swipes on his frequency card for that size?


JD said...

Bucket would probably be the most apt name, but if keeping with the size references of short, tall, grande, and super, I suppose we'd have to go, what...goliath? Gargantuan? Uber?

Anonymous said...

Uber is the best for sure! I'd like a Quint Uber Vanilla Bean please! : )

Colleen K said...

Can I have a big cup like this, maybe it would suffice my need for delish Biggby Best Coffee :)
I love Biggby.