Wahooo! ...thanks Kimberly :)
When the people at Biggby Coffee contacted me about the possibility of being a guest blogger, I have to admit, my initial response was a giggle nearing a guffaw. Admittedly, I love my Biggby Coffee. I have been a devoted addict ... FAN ... of their Skinny Skinny Mocha Mocha in a latticino form long before it became the "it" brew of 2010.
So, why this laughter?
After all, Biggby, beyond selling excellent coffee, strives to be a positive influence in the community and, thus, promotes the message: "Be happy, have fun, love people, make friends, and drink great coffee."
Wait. Hold it. Let me break that message down to a personal level - my personal level:
Be happy - it's a worthy goal.
Have fun - also a goal.
Make friends - a must-have for a happy life.
Drink great coffee - a must-have for life period, at least my own.
Love people .... *chuckle*
Hmm ... love people. That simple directive is what touched my warped sense of humor. I tend to be a tad *cough* sarcastic and cynical. [I know, right?] The truth is that I'm inundated with the very worst of people every single day at work. I read stories each day highlighting the numerous ways in which people have harmed each other in jealousy, greed, and hate.
Let's just say, I'm loving-people-challenged.
Hence, I laughed. Then I realized that my Eeyore-ish disposition is precisely why I must accept this challenge because I don't think I'm alone in seeing the world through gray rather than rose-colored glasses. Yet, despite any cloud of gloom I might have blanketing me when I enter my local Biggby's door, I'm greeted with a smile, my name, and usually someone who already knows that I'll have a grande skinny skinny mocha latticino, no whip, please.
In short, Biggby is consistently my place to take a break, laugh a bit, and de-stress. So, you might see notes from me from time to time explaining how Biggby kept me from head smacking someone on a particular day or otherwise brought a smile to my face.
Love people? Pffft.
Chocolatey Biggby sustenance to combat the stress and/or frigid cold of the day - that's what I love.
Excellent post Ms. Manns. But you do love me? Right?
great post from @justacogitating - sounds to me like BIGGBY COFFEE is your "happy place!"
Kimberly, great job, well done!
I'm hoping we'll see Kimberly back again sometime soon! In the meantime, if you want another good laugh, keep your eye on her own blog, http://justacogitating.blogspot.com. It's worth your time!
Thanks again, Kimberly!
Even though you think your look on life is Eeyore-ish (that made ME laugh) I think that you wrote a great blog and made me smile. You have a gift with words, just like BIGGBY has a gift with COFFEE. Would like to hear from you again! Have a wonderful Thursday!!! NM
Great post Kim! (Also, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't do what you do if you didn't love people. Don't worry though, I won't tell anyone!)
Favorite new word "Eeyore-ish." Nice!
Nice post ... love the sound affects *chuckle*, *cough*, etc. Made me smile! Nothing wrong with admitting love for BIGGBY, I mean it is coming up to Valentine's Day!
I love the Eyeore reference. Glad to hear that you are working through your loving-people challenge over your SSMM.
WOW! Spot on about how cynical most people have become but then our inner sunshine always breaks back through uncovering the simple things in life. Make Friends-Love People-Have Fun
yahoo. Right on Kimberly.
Wow. I just finished reading a transcript for a motion tomorrow morning, it's after midnight, I was dreading tomorrow (ok, still am) and I realized that I had not checked to see what if any response this post received.
Ya'll made my night, uh, morning. Thanks so much! And, yes, Cindy, I love you and your fuzzy red robe. Now, for the sake of my clean-thus-far record, Cindy, don't send anyone to hug me at the FREE HUGS event tomorrow. Just stay away from my latticino, put down some cookies for my consumption, and back away slowly.
Note to others: FREE HUGS happens at noon, Friday, 2/12 at Rosa Park Circle which is RIGHT by my Biggby - so you can grab your Biggby coffee, grab a cookie, and apparently grab Cindy for a hug all while helping out Guiding Light Mission.
Thanks again!
Kim, we are extremely proud to have one of our own great customers from Downtown GR BIGGBY Coffee be the very first guest blogger. Not only that but you did an excellent job (of course). Hope everyone around comes out to free hugs tomorrow and hugs the bejeezus out of Cindy and you (yes they may not live through it but it would be worth it)
Nice work! I also see bad all day at work - I'm grateful for the Biggby way!
Kimberly! I'm in love! An Eeyore reference!! The first on this blog. You're my kind of woman! And it's OK to want to smack some idiot upside the head.
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