Wednesday, February 20, 2008

BIGGBY COFFEE -- B Heard Hotline

Good Morning,

I am back at the home office, here in East Lansing MI, and I have another shift on the B-Heard Hotline....I talked a little about what that is a couple of weeks ago.

I got a call from Mike Densmore in Mt. Pleasant first thing....he couldn't wait to tell me that they served over 500 beverages yesterday....Holy COW!!! Nice goin' Mike. I also talked to our operations guru (Tom Butz) last night and he had spent significant time with Mike on opening day...he told me that he was informally surveying customers and it turns out that seven in ten people had already been to a BIGGBY COFFEE before. Thats pretty amazing since there isn't a BIGGBY COFFEE anywhere near Mt. Pleasant...the closest two are in Galylord (2 hours North) and St. Johns (a half hour South). It just goes to show people how much people love what we do. That's all for now, but if your in Mt. Pleasant remember to stop by and see Mike!

1 comment:

Mary H said...

Way to go Mike! Congrats! Here's to your continuous success!