Yowzaa.....Pat W. is opening his first store in the U.P. ......for those of you novices, that's South of Canada and East of Wisconsin....and for the most part they talk a little like the first, and some up there think they are part of the second :)
But Pat has been workin' on this store for sometime http://biggby.com/bconnected/news.php?id=34 ....and he is ready to pull the trigger and open on the 15th of April same day as Will G. (see below.) But I am fired up about this one....
Escanaba is a beautiful city...and famous for much, check it out on the wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escanaba,_Michigan but more recently it received attention 'cause of the movie 'Escanaba in the Moonlight' by Michigan Native Jeff Daniels http://www.escanabathemovie.com/

Hey Pat....I can't wait to get up there....and take some pictures, clearly they are missing from this blog :) ....Does anybody want to join me up there on opening day?
I just mapped it http://maps.google.com/maps?gbv=2&hl=en&q=escanaba+in+the+moonlight&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl and it only takes 6 hours and 19 minutes to get there....let me know?
Need the address click this link http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=111685698008690511086.00043de780b8b3c8ad9be&ll=35.065973,-86.396484&spn=15.514228,29.619141&z=5&om=1 and go to store #197
Barista Lady Di here....
from above the 45th parallel..
rain today....
Ok, Ok.....so Barista Lady Di and Shift Manager Bernadette want to ride with Bob to Escanaba.
We will meet you at our BIGGBY, right on the corner of M-32 and I-75----just a quick jump off the freeway. Just give us a time to be ready!!!
Let's go Bob..
talk about a rode trip. However if you reside above the 45th, going to Escanaba and back could count as a Sunday drive!!!
Not really a road trip, once you get this far north, miles mean nothing.
Have a great Wednesday celebrate life and coffee.
Nick and Chanin couldn't be any nicer, we are blessed.
Much BIGGBY love
from above the 45th
Barista Lady Di
sorry i mean a road trip not a rode trip
From Cottage Grove, WI it is only 4 hours and 39 minutes. We now have a stop on our way across the UP to get to our cottage and back to our Michigan roots.
lady di....I will be road trippin' up...but I won't be coming the way of Gaylord (I can't have anybody reporting on my where-abouts, ya'know?) But I look forward to seeing anybody that can make it!
WI, practically in your back yard!
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