Monday, September 29, 2008

Less than perfect....

So I was drivin' from Metro Airport the other day on my return from DC and I had to stop at a rest area. I found a sign that said "REST AREA FACILITY MAYBE UNDER SURVEILLANCE"...and it struck me that MAYBE it was not grammatically correct. I checked with a coupla' informal experts and they concurred...NOT CORRECT!

I bring this to you so that when you read my blog and find a few spelling and grammatical understand that I am not the only one :) Even a government agency like DOT can hit 'spell check' and 'grammar check' and come up with a doosey like this :)
On I-275


snookums said...

Bob- You should join our Lansing facebook group of Save the Apostrophe.

BIGGBY BOB said...

done! :)