Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Something Funny

I was coming back into the Lansing area....I got off the Okemos exit because I needed to drop by the mall for my new glasses. Anyway, as I was pulling in the mall I rode in behind a CATA bus and this is the image I saw....and it struck me as funny. The line reads "CATA clean machine" was a hybrid bus, which I think is cool....and the reference was about the environment....but with all that gunk all over wasn't lookin' so clean. Hey CATA there is a nice car wash on Cedar, near 496....they even give you an air freshner :)


spartangogreengal said...

hey Bob!!
just found your blog... I've been a Biggby's customer since the first days at the 270 Gd River store opened!! Those were the days... way back when.. WAY back when! :P Study groups and coffee and finals week.. what a combo! Keep on keepin' on and take care in all your travels!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Bob,
I just wanted to say that I have been a Biggby fan forever. I am a loyal fan of the Livonia store (you should stop by,I'll buy you a coffee)Anyway stay safe on your travels and maybe we will meet in Livonia.

lois Lambert said...

Hey Bob In your hectic life, don't forget your coffee cup on the roof of your car and drive off..("caffenesia")! It would be a shame to waste that great coffee :)

Mary Packer said...

I love Biggby! I realized today I have been to our local one 3 times in 24 hours! The people are the best at Biggby. You have a great job visiting the various sites. Do you need a West Michigan Rep? : )

BIGGBY BOB said...

Uh oh, a way back customer...Cooool!

BIGGBY BOB said...

debbie, I'll be dropping by that Livonia store soon...that get way too many compliments...I have to investigate...

BIGGBY BOB said...

LL, I have lost more than one cup of coffee that way....also the interior of my car is mocha...'course it used to be tan...sorry Volvo.

BIGGBY BOB said...

mp, hey nobody get's my's way too fun.

And uh, 3 times in one!

Mary Packer said...

HA! Well, if I can't have your job then I can at least be your West Michigan cheerleader! Be sure to let me know when you visit the Allendale store. Mocha Big Chill - it's my addiction!

Anonymous said...

o bob, there's no such thing as too many compliments! :)